You are freaking AMAZING, magical, beautiful, loving, sparkly. I see you. I see your gifts. I see your beautiful sensitivity. I see all the love pouring from your heart.
I also know about some of the things holding you back from shining your absolute brightest, because I’ve been there too.
Maybe you compare yourself with others and feel like you’re not up to par.
Struggle with not being where you “should” be.
You’re an empath, feeling energetically overwhelmed, and not quite sure what to do about it.
You crave clarity around your own gifts, your next step and finding a way to use your gifts to help yourself and others.
You hunger for purpose and passion, joy and success.
You’re ready for a heart-centered, soul shaking, high vibing life.
Hello, sister love. I’m Sara. I’m an intuitive light work + mindset coach, music + nature loving mama bear, and I’m obsessed with baths, playtime, and spiritual tools (like crystals and oracle cards).
My “things” are lightwork and mindset. That’s what I do. That’s who I am. An intuitive, space-holding, wing-fluffing, mindset expert. I work with female empaths and support them as they make it work for them instead of against them. Then I fluff their wings as they embrace their gifts and welcome joy + success in all areas.
I know how to turn crap into gold, move from lack to abundance, from pain to joy. I know how to create a beautiful life to be proud of. I know I'm meant to help other women get to an amazing place, by sharing some powerful life-changing tools. I know how to tap into my own intuition and be guided from my team Above. And I can show you how to do that too.
I see my clients as birds. They see all the other birds with their wings spread, abundant in every area - confident, clear, doing what they want, living with purpose and passion. Then think, "Why can’t I have/do/be that?"
I help you get out of the cage and courageously jump off the cliff. Because I see you standing there looking over the edge, knees shaking, trying to get out of your head and into your heart, working to move past the doubt and get to the trust. I would love to support you in getting out of your own way, stop sabotaging all the magic and abundance meant for you. It is time to connect with your wisdom within, your gifts and your team Above. Together, we can get clear about what you truly want and how to get it. So you can jump off the cliff and confidently fly free toward your dreams and experience true success.
One of my main ways of connecting with clients’ is by utilizing my brilliant team Above. I love to connect with angels and guides. I love channeling messages. I love to connect with mine and my clients highest selves and tap into our intuition together.
It hasn’t always been this way.
I grew up in a household where spirits and energy work were the norm. I was pointing out auras as a child. But at some point I started fighting in. I was terrified of it. I basically put my hands over my ears, shut my eyes tight and firmly declared “please don’t contact me. I’m scared. I don’t want anything to do with this.” I closed myself off and put up a wall around all of this and closed the door. I did giving intuitive readings and studying palmistry at 15, however it continued to be one foot in and the other out. There was a lot of fear and inner conflict around my gifts.
And looking back, it really does show how alone I thought I was. I grew up manifesting a lot of illness throughout my life, mental and physical. My past is littered with lack and scarcity mindset, insecurities, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, abusive relationships, shame, self-loathing, self-medicating, weight of the world on my shoulders, pain.
No one knew what was really going on. I was a chameleon. I could fit in. I’ve always been able to read others’ energy and I adapted. I overcompensated trying to be the life of the party so that no one ever really knew me.
I didn’t think I had anything to bring to the table. I avoided the real conversations and appeared to be a confident social butterfly. But in the inside, it was the complete opposite.
I was always waiting to be discovered. I wanted someone to swoop in a rescue me from my life. I wanted someone to give me the life I really wanted, instead of just dreaming about a better existence.
The truth is even if someone would've seen my magic (I’m actually sure many did and tried to let me know), it wasn’t their permission I needed, it was my own.
There were two big turning points that forever changed the trajectory of my life and my understanding of the world. The first came with the car accident that SAVED my life. I was stuck in my bullshit, living with five autoimmune diagnoses, dropped out of school because I was so sick. I was bedridden and on 13 prescription medications, self-medicating, completely lost and stuck. I had been dealing with anxiety, depression and panic attacks for years. I had become a shell of a person.
After being in a car accident, I went to a chiropractor to help with the pain and he was a brilliant energetic healer. He held space for me and helped me process all of it. With his help I got off ALL 13 medications and woke up from the fog.
I got out of an unhappy marriage and realized my purpose was to help others and for the first time in my life I started taking action. At 29, I was being given a new chance on life.
I started down an incredible path of self-discovery, healing and learning. I studied at the Healing Arts Center in St. Louis, MO, and started a profession in healing work. I was getting through all my own bullshit, but a lot of it was kicking and screaming, crawling my way through.
It wasn’t easy, I fell on my ass…a lot. Lesson after lesson knocked me down. I didn’t have the mindset work down yet to help make it easier on me, I wasn’t really connecting with my team Above. But I got through it. I saw a better way finally.
We can all get through our stuff, but there’s the hard way or an easy, lighthearted, even fun way to do it too. And that’s where I am now.
My second big turning point, my spiritual awakening, came from my darling Izzy, my soul dog. The one who had taught me about unconditional love, who was there through all my struggles, my closest companion and a true daughter in my heart. When she tragically passed, I felt what it was like to literally have a broken heart. I was shattered into a million pieces. I was in the shit, hysterically crying and didn’t know what to do.
So I googled "what to do when your dog dies." And all this crap came up that wasn’t helpful. (All of this lead me to write a book, Grieving Toward Grace: What to do when your dog dies. Click here for preview). On my search, I stumbled across an angel article. I read a little bit about Archangel Michael.
I was on my knees crying and begging. I was looking at this empty corner on the ceiling. I said, “Archangel Michael, if you can hear me please send me a sign.” Right then, a purple-blue light streamed across my room. Goosebumps came from head to toe. Heat radiated over my entire back. I felt like wasn’t alone. Someone was in the room with me. I was shaking and crying, but not comforted.
I didn’t want Archangel Michael, I wanted Izzy. So I said aloud “Archangel Michael, please, please help Izzy. Send me a sign. I need to know that she’s still here with me. I need to feel her now. Archangel Michael, will you please help me? Will you please help Izzy? Send me a sign.” And right then, the lamp shade dropped and fell around the base, exposing just the lightbulb and circling a plaque that said, “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.” A quote by Vivianne Green.
I felt Izzy and I knew she was with me. I knew angels were around me, helping me. I knew Archangel Michael was with me and I knew Izzy was with me. And it changed my life.
I have so many other stories like that, especially in the early days right after her passing. These signs were so dramatic and so intense that it left no doubt in my mind. The veil was lifted, I had turned the light back on. I started doing everything in my life with Izzy. She was part of my healing process and helped me move through the grief.
And I kept talking to Archangel Michael and calling in other angels.
People in my life that had passed started contacting me. The floodgates opened.
The more I expressed my gratitude, the more the guidance just flowed. And I found myself in this beautiful position that My team was working with me and through me. Everything started falling in place. I was able to master amazing lessons in mindset and even deeper healing as soon as I started working with my team.
I found true clarity in every area of my life. I was guided to taking aligned action. My lessons became so much gentler. I kept moving through things in this new guided way. I fell in love with personal development work. I did the work (and I still do). It all clicked. I found myself living a life better than I had allowed myself to dream of.
So that’s why I’m here: It's my duty to share what I’ve learned with others. I want everyone to experience this joy, clarity, direction, ease, peace, fun, abundance.
I know how painful it is to feel as though you are stuck in the cage. I know how easy it is to say, "Not now, maybe later," to every dream and opportunity. I know that lack of direction and clarity can stomp out your light. And I know the immense joy that radiates from your soul when you embrace your gifts and have purpose, passion and direction.
I know what it’s like to go from being in the shit to flying free.
And I really freaking know how to fluff those wings to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
If you're ready to burn your BS to the ground and let in the good shit, let’s connect. It’s your turn to fly.