Too much...

I've been told before that my love, affection, attention is too much.

I've felt rejected before based on being too positive, too happy, too annoying with it.

I've been told to censor my expression. Don't cuss. Put on more clothes. Don't post that. You don't need that makeup. Smile.

You're too loud. Talk too much. Weird. Too sensitive.

I've felt rejection. I've felt like I don't belong.

But being in the space with the sisters in the Lightworker Within, I've never felt so much acceptance, support, encouragement to be and express whoever and whatever the fuck I want. They're like pour your sugar on me, it's fine I can take all your love and never tell you to dim it down. They are like be your loud grown up word spiritual self. They're like it's cool to take care of yourself first. We won't judge you for being too happy or too sad. It's the biggest hug in there. And I'm so grateful.

And that's the space we'll all hold for you too. You are not too much for us. We don't want you to censor your expression. You get to be wherever you are. We have the pleasure of loving and accepting you fully.

Early enrollment is open for the 2022 Lightworker Within Mentorship. Which means... early bird pricing (more than $100 savings) AND an opportunity to extend your payment plans over 17 months to make it so freaking doable for all the are being called to the spiritual and personal development journey.

I love you and can't wait for you to experience this type of support and acceptance for yourself.