Getting my Shit Together

Getting my Shit Together

I love that my body is so freaking sore in this moment from a Pilates class. 

I love that I am healed enough from the 2 accidents in 2022 (horse and car), to be attending classes again. 

I love that even though I have some limitations I didn’t have previously, I get to make modifications to make it work. 

In the past I was always waiting to be “healed” before putting myself out there in various ways. 

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Unquenched: Time to channel this Appetite and Desire

Unquenched: Time to channel this Appetite and Desire

As I long for more intimacy, I want to know if you relate to this…

There is something in me that *needs* something to hunger over. Reaching for something at the other end of my fire.

A person. A project.

I am fueled by desire and passion. In the past when I haven’t had an outlet for it, I turned to food and drugs to attempt to fill my seemingly bottomless tank and endless appetite.

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Honor your energy like it’s your job, because it is.

Honor your energy like it’s your job, because it is.

Empaths. Listen to yourself when it’s time to rest and take a break.

If you’re already feeling like you don’t have the bandwidth or capacity for your normal routine, it would be wise to limit outside interactions (including scrolling on social media).

Boundaries, boo. Boundaries!!!

If you’re maxed out or already drained, and you start interacting with others’ energies and posts and emotions and thoughts and challenges…. it will fast track you to having an energetic hangover (how I describe too much output) or an empath flare up (what comes from too much input). And it goes from self care being important to it being absolutely critical.

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Welcoming Collaboration: Part 2

Welcoming Collaboration: Part 2

Your awareness and openness are the key to making a super aligned shift.

Part 2: Reflection and Declaration

There’s a sweet spot in our awareness journey where having both a zoomed in and zoomed out view serves us well. We can dig deep for core level reasons of why we have certain tendencies. And we can also move further away from it and see how it impacts the big picture. Zoomed in supports our understanding, which makes shifts more natural. Zoomed out helps us from getting lost in doubts and insecurities and find how this piece fits in the puzzle.

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Meet Sara

Meet Sara

I have been running an entrepreneur spotlight and giveaway in my Facebook group, Lightworker Rising. For the kick-off, this fall, I had so much fun sharing all kinds of things about me-biz and personal. Check out the list and let me know we share any interests or passions!

Hi! I’m Sara and I’m a wing fluffer. Never has another label quite captured my essence like that one does. So I'm gonna keep rocking it as long as it feels aligned.

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Are you also in hermit mode?

Are you also in hermit mode?

We’re less than a week away from the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. We’re supposed to be in hermit mode. It’s not only allowed, I'm encouraging it. I'm so done with any self disappointment, from being true to where I am. I accept and honor my reclusive energy. Who's with me?

That said... you and I do know if we don’t listen to the whispers from our intuition, our bodies and the universe when they whisper, we'll be forced to listen.

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Roller Coaster Energy here... how about there?

Roller Coaster Energy here... how about there?

Are WE in it? Even though I am well aware of the collective experience, I still sometimes I wonder if it's just me because there are a lot of circumstantial things adding to my own experience. As there are to whatever yours is too. One moment peace and ease, all is well, extra clear, intuition on point, balance and harmony. And then in another moment movement, growth, productivity. And then in another overwhelm, extra sensitive, tired, slowing allllll the way down, crashing. It's been quite a whirlwind.

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