Honor your energy like it’s your job, because it is.

Empaths. Listen to yourself when it’s time to rest and take a break.

If you’re already feeling like you don’t have the bandwidth or capacity for your normal routine, it would be wise to limit outside interactions (including scrolling on social media).

Boundaries, boo. Boundaries!!!

If you’re maxed out or already drained, and you start interacting with others’ energies and posts and emotions and thoughts and challenges…. it will fast track you to having an energetic hangover (how I describe too much output) or an empath flare up (what comes from too much input). And it goes from self care being important to it being absolutely critical.

Listen to yourself and establish protective boundaries, BEFORE you get knocked on your ass. And if you’re already down, declare those boundaries NOW… and for the love of goddess, respect them.

You can have all the grounding and protection tools in the world, and there will still be times you need to limit interactions and take care of yourself first. You can have all the tools and there will be times you let others stuff all the way in or give your own energy away. No matter how much you know and practice, this is part of navigating the world as an empath. Your awareness of when to put tangible boundaries in place to take care of yourself is so freaking important.

Honor your energy like it’s your job, because it is.