Guilty on all three counts.

So much love to that beautiful winged George Floyd angel in the sky.

Celebrating this verdict and praying to God this sets a new precedent in accountability.

Charges and Convictions.


Every time.

Black Lives Matter.

And to anyone who thinks they don’t, argues this statement, or the validity of this verdict, I pray God opens your eyes and your heart. Just because it’s not your experience, please be careful not to invalidate others, their experiences, their trauma, their pain, their truth.

Let’s listen and learn. Let’s be open and curious. When we know better, do better. All of us.

Sending so much love to those that haven’t seen justice. May this be a tipping point.

Although there are so many steps still to take, this was a good one in the right direction. Celebrating this one.



Art by @shirien.creates