Your Beauty Led to my Breakthrough

I am having a breakthrough moment right now. One of those moments where the truth slaps you on your face in the best freaking way. Where tears fill your eyes in gratitude.

So it's a thing in the coaching/sales world to know your clients pain points. There is a lot of thinking that's the point to press. Why else will someone invest in themselves and in working with you if they don't have pain so great that they're desperate to get out from under and need your product/service to get them through it.

That has never sat well with me. I’m a wing fluffer not a pain point pusher. I want to shine the light on someone’s highest self, bc that’s what I see when I look at them. It’s one of my superpowers. I see the beauty, the uniqueness, the way people’s minds work, what may work for them. I see beyond the pain and the current story and narrative. I see the core, the soul, the wings, the true potential, what someone’s capable of, I see their future self within their present self. And that’s what I want to showcase, not the pain.

So I had the most beautiful reflection of this and I was moved to TEARS. In order to write my copy and check out these pain points and see the transformation that my Lightworker Within program offers, I read through every intake and outtake form from the past 2 sessions. It's like seeing before and after snapshots of transformation.

I was blown away Tears of witnessing someone's truth and witnessing what happens when you are supported, believed in, seen, held and part of a sisterhood, a true community. 

I thought the intakes would be filled with I'm here because I'm a sensitive empath feeling the weight of the world, I'm stuck, lost, unfocused, not clear, not confident, not taking care of myself like I know I should, not sure of my gifts, and feel really freaking alone in it all. And while that may be some of the underlying stuff… that was not what I read. That's not the version of the sisters I met and know. They set that part down and showed the f up with wings spread.

This is what I saw, the snapshot of the women entering my program in these before pics, soooo much excitement about being here and about choosing to do something for herself. The I have no idea what's going to happen here feeling, but I am open and TRUST it's going to be really fucking good. I was GUIDED here. I'm ready to take a leap. I'm here for ME. To develop my gifts, to connect, to grow. To be present in my own life, to help others, I’m NOT her because I'm inadequate now, but because it's time to EXPAND.


They saw themselves, how I see them. Just from saying YES. And if you can feel the energy of how glorious these sisters were on the way in, you should see their after pics of those that showed up and played. FUCK! 

Overflowing with gratitude that these smart, capable, amazing women chose to spend time with me (and with each other) and allowed me the honor of fluffing their already gorgeous wings. I am so blessed.

AND I get to do this again... AND it's not the same. Just like all of these women, it had to EXPAND. It expanded bc these women deserve that. They deserve for me to be growing and learning on my end, and upping the LWM so I can meet them where they are, not in their pain, but in their expansion, in their view for their world and THE WORLD. I needed to rise and keep rising, so I can support the even greater uplevel they're READY for. 

It is TIME. It is your time. It's our time. We are growing, we are expanding. WE ARE TAKING UP SPACE. We are getting loud. We are becoming aware of our power. We're coming together if anyone else can do it or have it, SO CAN I. 

And when we have support, energetic mastery, mindset on point, a badass sisterhood, connected to our spiritual team, and are tapping into our own power... WE ARE LIMITLESS.

I see you in your beauty and your readiness for expansion. You are inspiring. You are who I want to work with. WOW. I see you and I freaking love you. 

Grateful for the breakthrough. Grateful for these women. Grateful for you.
