in 2020... I did THAT

2020 🌈 Personal Celebrations

The theme I held for myself was expansion. And the theme I held for the collective was clarity. And neither disappointed.

❤️In August, I turned 40!! 20+20=40... so you know I was feeling angel number aligned. Plus my daughter turned 4, so... yeah...😇😇😇😇 Through it all, we are both thriving. For someone who absolutely thought I wouldn’t make it to see 30, I can’t even describe how this felt. Shaking and eyes watering tapping into the emotion around it. 40!!!! Ahhhh!!

🧡 I shed 20lbs in 2020 too... 😇🙏 And it was super aligned how it came about. I’ve been moving my body and super intuitive with eating and finally found a sugar boundary that feels right and lasting. I woke up to the fact that my body love mindset I had adopted had some sabotaging toxicity in it, making me so good with wherever I was that I didn’t notice I wasn’t treating her right. And I shifted it.

💛 I doubled my income from the year before in 2020. 2X!!! These angel numbers!!! I have consistently gone up each year since I started this Lightwork entrepreneurial journey, but this year doubling it... felt HUGE. All of it was in deep collaboration to spirit and I am so grateful to my Team Above for working with me each baby step of the way! We launched the Lightworker Rising group and Instagram. I expanded the Lightworker Within Mentorship to a 10 month program and held space for so many beautiful empaths and lightworkers. I started a new offering that lights me up like crazy, the Inspired Business Circle. Downloaded the Lightworker Circle, which starts next month. I got back into channeled readings and distant energy work. I made and sold potions and baths. And I grew my 1:1 clientele... love you all SO much!!! So many wings fluffed, including my own. AND I accomplished this in a super aligned way, working only part time hours, during a pandemic, while Mama’ing and holding space for a sensitive 4 year old little goodness empath.

💚 I remembered my passion for activism and justice and started using my voice, talents and money to support what is so so important to me. I am so lit up by feeling into how to continue weaving these areas into my life, relationships and work. Feels like the beginning of a journey I started a long time ago and strayed from. I am so grateful to be called back in. I will be launching a free offering around finding your own aligned activism based on your empath types in the our Lightworker Rising FB group soon!

💙 I stopped holding back to keep the peace or people please. Definitely a lot of awkwardness and growing pains in this. From acting out of alignment and calling people out on social media, to finding out how to express anger in my relationship. I’m looking forward to finding my alignment in the ways I communicate and share what I’m seeing and feeling. I feel the importance in continuing to find the boldness and authenticity in my voice. And am super proud of how far I have grown within this over the past year. It’s been one of those huge unleveling moments in choosing to embrace and work with a shadow, rather than rejecting it.

💜 I looked for the redirection and the blessing in disguise consistently. I used my tools. I asked for help. I took up space. I found the magic, abundance and expansion within and around me. I embraced my gifts and even embraced NEW spiritual gifts. I embraced boundaries. I mama’ed my ass off during a freaking pandemic. I saw my relationship come together and fall apart and come together again. And I rocked at being a fucking human - mistakes, aches, pains - all the humanness and ok with it, gentle and self-compassionate. I held myself in the nonjudgmental space I hold for others. I’m fucking human!!! And it’s such a sigh of relief. And I’m also spirit and that’s also such an expansive exhale. AND I have spirit all around me, working with me and through me. There is so much to celebrate within the strength and vulnerability, the contrast and duality and magic. The healing and integration journeys continue.

Celebrating all of these things and few pages worth more! Sharing from a place of deep gratitude.

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