Love in Our Community
/It needs to be noted. I haven’t been part of even one conversation (or seen one on social media) with someone living in this community that was not mostly gratitude focused when sharing about the tornado.
Those that had the most damage, seem to be expressing the most gratitude. And those that had less damage just so much empathy, compassion, support, and, again, gratitude.
Through the grieving of the trees, the loss of power, the damage to property, the calls and estimates and bills and labor intensive work, the noise, the juggling of all the normal responsibilities… the gratitude is what continually shines through.
Grateful for these beautiful people that see the helpers, that looks at each other with compassion, that offer a hand when they need one themselves. Grateful to witness this overwhelming display gratitude.
I am so sorry for the loss and mess they have been navigating and so very impressed with how they’re doing it.
Sandra, Joy, Barb, Lindsey, Joanne, Aaron, Megan, Mary Looking at you.
I love this community. Forever grateful to be part of it.