Take the Leap!
/I feel you out there on the edge and daring yourself to jump.
And I am asking to hold your hand.
This is such a delicate and exciting time as you get clear about what seeds to plant and how to nurture and grow them.
Your brilliant idea that lights you up, is also super fragile. Very easily the little seeds of doubt planted (by you or from the opinions of others) can turn into weeds and can either derail you or even bring it all to a full stop.
What you are creating though, for yourself and for the world, is so very special.
You and your idea would benefit greatly from being surrounded by those that believe in you, even when you are struggling to believe in yourself. It would be so beautiful to have support through all the stages of tuning in, getting clear, building your confidence, trusting, getting past the blocks, step by step learning to fly, and then wing fluffing as you continue to take aligned action and allow these seeds to grow.
Getting super excited for the Inspired Business Circle for emerging entrepreneurs!
Calling in 3 souls that are in the early stages of working for yourself or starting a business.
This is about heart centered expansion, with mindset work, aligned action, guidance from your team Above, clarity, intuition, and support from all of us in your business circle. You will trust that you’re capable and your business will grow, bc that’s what being in circle with a group of empaths, lightworkers and entrepreneurs will do for you. You will feel seen, heard, encouraged, and believed in… you will believe in yourself when held in this light, you will want to do the work, you will want to take the steps.
You have work to do in this world. Go do it.
I would love to hold space and fluff those wings as you do it.
I know what it's like to realize what's really in your heart to be doing. I also know what it's like to stuff it down and wait and put it off and declare that I'm not ready or worthy of it yet. And I know what it's like to say fuck and go for it anyway.
If your intuition is lighting up and you’re feeling scared about this too… then it’s likely for you.
Let's do this. Together.
There are currently 3 spots open and if one of them is yours, take it.
Take the leap here: www.sarasoulman.com/inspiredbiz