Little Lightworker

I spent much of the weekend in tears.

The sweetest thing came from it. CG asked if she could do magic (what we call energy work) on me when she walked in on me crying. This was the first time she asked me this about an emotional/mental situation. We typically turn to it with any physical ailments. Up until the last couple months, she was always the receiver and then she just started offering it when I have any sort of injury, scratch, ache, pain. It all happened so naturally.

As she was waving her hands over my face, she said, "take a deep breath" and I felt an instant shift. Then she continued to wave her hands around my face and such a deep peace, ease, comfort and gratitude washed over me. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. Then she wanted to talk about why I was sad and then she offered more magic. It was brilliant, unexpected, intuitive. I'm in awe of this little lightworker.

And it really did help. I felt much better after. I was able to process and find my comfort, truth and trust in it all.

I wanted to share for a few reasons. First, you're not alone if you're moving through a tender time. Is anyone else feeling it? Venus retrograde can be a challenging and tender time and I can feel her asking us to bring our relationships into the light. Past and present. 

The work us lightworkers are doing is incredible and powerful. To witness my daughter talking to spirits, doing energy work, creating space and shifting energy has me fired up. We get to all do this together too. And she is proof of the ripple effect. Simply by embracing and normalizing our own gifts, sensitivities and connections, others benefit too.

The balance of giving and receiving seems to be highlighted right now collectively and it's beautiful. Do you feel it?

You will be asked to work through things right now and you don't have to do it alone. Your team Above has you and so do we.

Love you all!