Messages from the Other Side
/I had the most beautiful talk with my team last night on the floor of the shower. 6 men from my life that have passed on, came forward. When they walked this earth they all saw me (or at least treated me!!!!) as the highest version of myself. Which is really moving to realize. Well 5 of them did, 1 passed before I was born. I felt them all so clearly. They loved me then, love me now and are definitely guiding me.
I cried thinking about them and the signs they’ve sent. I cried realizing they wanted to be ’recognized’ as part of my team. So much time I spend chatting with my women Above and my Izzy. Other dogs I’ve loved came forward too. I felt everyone around me. My thoughts kept going back to these guys though. It was crazy and amazing and magical and emotional. My tears were lost in the water rushing over my face. And I just sat there with them in gratitude and recognition and a sort of bewilderment. I physically felt the men, in particular, pick me up off the floor in the most symbolic way and whisper encouragement in my ear.
Then Mike lovingly held me as I cried and shared the experience.
I fell asleep early in the gloriousness of freshly laundered sheets. I remember thanking them right before I drifted off and could feel them beaming at me so happy they got through personally.
Today I feel clear and confident and this sense of excitement and rejuvenation. I’m just so blessed and grateful to have this support.
We all have it though. I’m not special. I’m you and you’re me. And we all have this awesome help at our disposal. But to tap into it and recognize it - that’s one of the best feelings in the entire world.