Shopping Tips During this Time

Tips to get you through your shopping trip without feeling completely drained. 

🛒 Make an organized list in order of how you go through the store. A paper list will help you avoid germing up your phone. 

🛒 Center, ground and wrap yourself in protective light before you go in. 

🛒 Set an intention for your trip. Like calm and mindful. Or grateful and spreading love. 

🛒 Leave your phone in your fanny pack/pocket/bag. You don’t need it in the store and it can be a distraction from being mindful. 

🛒 Use a fanny pack, sisters. You don’t need all the stuff in your purse. Be safe and efficient. Mine has ID, credit card, sanitizer and phone. 

🛒 If the store you’re in doesn’t have a fabulous Trader Joe’s type playlist, listen to one of your own. No one canceled aisle dancing! 

🛒 Take moments to center and ground. Relax forehead and jaw and shoulders. Check your posture. Stretch a little if you need to. 

🛒 If you’re feeling anxious try the old constricted breath to calm the f down quickly. Also known as the smokers breath for any fellow former smokers. Inhale like you’re taking a long drag on a cigarette and exhale like you’re blowing out the smoke. For non-former smokers - inhale like through a straw and exhale like you’re blowing soup. 

🛒 Thank everyone that works there, bc they are awesome. 

🛒Compliment people’s masks, I had several awesome incounters doing that today and it made everyone feel good. 

🛒 Don’t judge how anyone else is out there coping with this. We’re all in this together. 

🛒 Smile. Even though no one else can see it, it makes you feel good. And remember what Tyra Banks taught us all about the power of your smize (smiling eyes!), it probably makes other people feel good too.

Sharing bc you’re an empath. And even when you’re taking care of you, being around people with various levels of energy will impact you. You’re also responsible for the energy you’re walking around with. 

I don’t want you to feel completely drained or dread your next shopping trip, bc I love you. 

Wearing a mask, being thoughtful and efficient is an act of love. You’re taking care of yourself and your family and also all the people you directly or indirectly come into contact with.

Big energetic hugs and don’t forget to sanitize everything before you put it away at home. (I use soap and water for glass and cans, take things out of boxes or wipe them down with Seventh Generation wipes or sanitizing spray, use fruit and veggie wash for anything you’ll be eating raw, etc)

I love you!
