Supermom Days
/Intending for one of those supermom days. A day when I do my best, stay present throughout the day with wherever my focus is at the moment, help clients, learn from and with and alongside my daughter, be a great partner and friend and aunt, have fun, drink lots of water, nourish my temple, move my body, take breaks, remember my intentions, listen to myself and others, practice gratitude and stay in a place of kindness, ease, courage and strength.
I’m not overwhelmed by supermom days, I’m empowered by them. I know I can do it, because I’ve done it before. Worst case scenario - I fall. That happens. Some days I fall, but I always get back up. So no biggie. I also know the best case scenario and what that looks and feels like. I love that feeling of accomplishment I have at the end of a supermom day when I reflect and pat myself on the back.
If my day is some sort of mix, that’s ok too. I am going to aim high enough and trust that if I fall it will be soft. But I’m not intending to fall, I’m going to have a supermom day.
And so it is.