Take Care of your Energy

Imagine if everyone was aware of and took care of their own energy! What a beautiful thought!!

Well, you are aware. And growing in your awareness. It’s your responsibility to take care of your energy, not everyone else’s. Sometimes us empaths get that one backwards... right?

You can start by cleansing your own energy, the energy in the spaces you hold (like your home and car and work space and Lightworker spaces!!) and your tools (spiritual tools and all the other things holding energy).

How can you do that?

Soooooo many ways! Find what lights you up. You can use stones, oils, smoke, incense, salt, water, energy work, sweeping, dusting, cleaning, opening windows, sound, movement, etc. Just do it with intention.

I know you’re going to take care of your energy, bc you’re a beautiful empath and you really do give a fuck. And that’s one of the many things I love about you.

What are some of your fave ways to take care of your energy and cleanse your space?

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