I always have a choice.
/I always have a choice.
I look for the love gratitude in every situation. I know seemingly steps backwards are opportunities to grow. I find the redirection in rejection. I see dis-ease as an invitation to focus on self care. I celebrate my sensitivities and full range of emotions. I believe I have control over my actions, reactions, my outlook and my attitude. Everything is happening for me, not to me.
All of that being said, I also fall off the wagon and stray from my path. In the past, I strayed far and fell hard. It took me a long time to process and get back up. Now, I know what works for me. I know that it's only temporary. I use my tools and bounce back.
At times I allow myself a pity party. I get out all my complaints, my why me, my why now and my I don't have time for this. I release these feelings from my body, because I certainly don't want them to stay. So I express my emotions. Rant and rave. Cry and scream. Moan and groan. Curl into a ball. Slap a pillow around. Write it down and burn it up. Let it up and out. I empty myself. I surrender and pray.
Then I return to my breath. Center and ground. I talk to God. I may take a bath or a nap. I listen to healing music. I see protective light swirling around me. I feel Divine light entering my crown chakra and filling me up. I am rebirthed. I choose love. I choose forgiveness. I choose gratitude. I always have a choice.
Can you relate? I'd love to hear how this resonates with you. What tools do you use to both empty and fill yourself?