Letting Go & Gently Aligning
/The more aligned you are, the more things not in alignment are obvious.
For years I’ve been shedding things, ideas, beliefs and relationships that were no longer aligned. It wasn’t always the easiest to do. I spent a lot of time grieving as I was moving on.
This past year, it’s all clicked in a new way. I find myself easily releasing.
I’m not bulldozing my way through, crawling through the dirt, resisting and questioning as I go.
I’m trusting. It’s easy and gentle. Accepting. Flowing.
If it’s not for me, I let it go with love and gratitude.
I can see the big picture. Where it once served a purpose, but no longer is.
I instantly know if something is a vibrational match. As I learn more, tune in, have deeper reflections and conversations, declare that I’m living and working and playing in the light... what’s not aligned becomes more obvious.
I didn’t even watch the Finding Neverland doc, but there has clearly been a big energetic shift for me around MJs music. So I’ve released it. It was once my go to, my joy sparker. It’s no longer lighting me up, and that’s ok. Not everything we love has to last forever. We change, we grow, we learn, and our energy matches shift along with us.
I found out that my skincare line of 20+ years wasn’t cruelty free last summer. I thought hey, I can still use these bazillion of their products I already have. But I didn’t. After a month of not using them, I asked why am I holding on to this? It doesn’t feel good to me anymore. It’s not aligned. So I let it go. And in doing so, I've opened the door up to love affair with castor oil. (I'll have to tell you more about that magic later.)
After learning of Doreen Virtue’s condemnation of all “new age” and magical things, I thought I would still use the oracle card decks and books I had from her. But they sat there, gathering dust, as I felt more aligned with other decks and sources of inspiration and guidance. So I’m now purging that collection. They once served an incredible purpose in my life and filled me with such joy. But I’m no longer feeling aligned and that awareness is awesome. My lightworker tools are infinite, it's ok to put down ones I'm not connecting with.
I believe that people can still use and learn and greatly benefit from Doreen’s past teachings, MJs music and Origins products.
For all 3, I thought I still would. I’m awesome at detaching from judgment and shifting energy.
I’m also awesome at alignment apparently. Surrounding myself with things and people and beliefs and music that inspire me and light me up. Letting go of what doesn’t.
I’m seeing this clicking in all areas of my life and it’s liberating. It’s the deepest and most profound work, and the easiest and gentlest.
It’s all about alignment and trust. Listening to my wisdom within and my team Above.
Ignorance is bliss. When you don’t know something isn’t aligned, it’s not hurting you like it does when you do. The more you open your eyes, the more staying in an unaligned place becomes uncomfortable.
I deserve to be surrounded by high vibrating everything. I have boundaries up like crazy. I’m feeling strong, free and abundant as I gently let go.
I use to think I needed to do more, have more, be more. But that’s not my way to alignment. It actually seems that letting go is my path to expansion.
The more I follow my guidance (within and Above), the easier and more confident I am in letting go.
I feel the gentle pull toward what’s aligned and I’m being led there... to a deeper authentic connection to my highest self over and over and over. I find myself making healthier, kinder and more respectful decisions over and over.
And it is being reflected back to me like crazy. My body is beginning to shed some of the extra padding. Incredibly aligned gifts keep coming my way. I’m easily letting go of things as we get ready to move. I feel radiant.
I love this example. I found myself setting a goal for April. In the past all my business goals were about how many people I was calling in to work with. This time I decided to try a financial goal. My program had just closed, so I had no idea or even attachment of how it would come. I just energetically aligned with it. And within 10 days, I exceeded the goal.
I share this in case you are in a place of turmoil, struggle, feeling stuck. I urge you to be curious about what isn’t aligned. Stay curious about any weights on your wings. Know that it’s ok if something isn’t aligned. Actually, it’s great! If you’re not aware, you can’t shift it.
Trust that you are resourceful, capable and infinitely worthy of being gently guided into your truest expression of alignment. You have all you need, all the knowledge and truth inside of you.
I believe in you and I love you.
Big hugs, Sara
Does this resonate? I’d love to know more. How’s your journey toward a deeper alignment? Please comment below.