Excuses are Sabatogy AF

You’re really good at coming up with excuses. Great at it, actually. 

News flash: we all are. 

I'm awesome at excuses and know they can be sabotagy af. 

I'm also awesome at going for it anyway. 

I hear a lot of excuses. Why I can’t go for what I want. I don’t have time, energy, money. I’m too fat or lazy or too weak. I don’t have the education. I need to do x, y and z first.  I’m not ready. 

Valid excuses? Yes. Your excuses make sense. I have empathy for you. I get it. 

We ALL have excuses. 

The only difference between the person living in and defending all their excuses and the person claiming their dreams and manifesting the shit out of what they want... a reason bigger than the excuses to go for it. 

And then it just takes a tiny burst of courage... knees shaking, not knowing how exactly it will all turn out, trusting you’ll land where you want or even better. 

Find your reason and feed it. Nurture it. Love it. Let it grow. Believe you are worthy. If anyone else can have joy and success in the area you’re dreaming, so can you. 

Be aware of your excuses and curious of your resistance. But know what you want for yourself and find a way to take a little aligned step. 

You are just as capable of coming up with solutions and reasons as you are problems and excuses. (read that again)

You are smart, powerful and resourceful. 

I see you. I love you. I believe in you. 

(((((BIG HUG)))))


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Share your reasons below. Let’s start putting energy into them and letting them grow!