It's OK to be OK.

Hey sister!

Isn’t it wild that when everything is going super well, just as we manifested and hoped for and asked for... we find a way to question the heck out of it, wonder if it’s a fluke, wait for it to fall apart?! 

I promise, I’m not calling you out. I just noticed myself doing this. 

All of this alignment is coming so easily to me. I’m not getting triggered like I use to. And when I am it seems to all unfold so easily and with great awareness and compassion without the old patterns and reactions. 

Everything is gently falling in place in my home, career, finances, relationships, mind. 

We’re in the middle of moving and I have zero stress or overwhelm. Infusing work, rest and play into it. Using all my tools. It’s all so...easy...

And my body is physically doing so much better than ever before. And I’m not having some dramatic pain or dealing with yet another “chronic” diagnosis. I’m in some sort of remission with everything. My body feels good. 

So I caught myself “trying to make sense of it” the other day, instead of celebrating where I am. 

And my beautiful mind came to this conclusion... obviously I’m dying. 

How else can this much alignment and ease be possible? Then that gorgeous powerful mind got to work on supportive evidence to me dying and ideas of what the culprit taking me down is and why it’s happening now. 

As I’m observing all of this, I saw first the humor in it and then came sympathy for myself that I’ve been in some sort of physical or emotional pain for so much of my life that not having it seems off and abnormal. Seriously I came to the conclusion if life is this good, I must be dying!

Maybe in a way I am. Old beliefs and limitations are being transformed. I’m not who I was. 

So I chose to shift my thoughts to the moment and to celebration. You can play with me if you want. Just for today... or just for this hour (whatever feels manageable and authentic to say), I will love where I am without question. I will be aware and celebrate what feels good. And that will be enough.

It’s ok to be ok. It’s ok to feel good and celebrate it. It’s ok to not be struggling and challenged and learning the hard way and hustling. It’s ok. 

I’m so grateful to be celebrating life. It’s good right now. And I don’t need to be ashamed of it or in disbelief or make sense in my mind of it all. In this moment and that’s really all there is, I’m good. She’s good (looking at my sleeping lg in my arms.) We’re good.

If you’re good right now too, let’s celebrate. 

And if you're not, remember both the storm and the rainbow are temporary. And when you get to the rainbow, there's no need to sabotage it or feel bad for doing well. Just enjoy it. 

Self hug on 3. 





Big hugs,
