April Full Moon Energy

There’s no one way to ritual or honor this full moon energy. The key is to first honor where you are. If you’re feeling lit up vs feeling drained, you’ll likely approach it differently.

Personally, I’m feeling so amped up, playful and supported in under this supermoon. They don’t all impact me the same way. Many factors influence it. This time it’s something about being a Scorpio rising and already doing work in the areas (houses.. for my fellow astrology students) she is encouraging me to do my work in. Pretty magical and so divinely aligned. So I took a salt bath cleansing the my energy. Then felt myself recharging dancing and connecting with her, and marked the occasion with our first ever full moon selfie photo booth. New ritual? We’ll see! It was so much fun.

How are you taking care of you right now, honoring where you are, and honoring this full supermoon energy?