Are you enough?
💫 Can you find a way to love and accept even your darkest shadows?
💫 Can you trust it’s also ok to change what you can and accept what you can’t?
💫 Can you see your past as a stepping stone and know you are not who you were or what happened to you?
💫 Can you believe that you can love yourself for how far you’ve come and where you are now, rather than waiting until you achieve your goals or reach some idea of perfection?
💫 Will you look in the mirror and find things to compliment instead or criticize?
💫 Will you decipher between the voices in your head and decide which to listen to and which can be shifted?
💫 Will you find ways to deepen your awareness, acceptance and compassion?
💫 Will you choose to practice kindness, gratitude, gentleness and self-care? And even when you don’t, know that you’re not a lost cause?
💫 Will you accept it’s ok to go through seasons where you don’t feel confident or clear? And that part of your journey here is to learn about lack, loneliness, grief, sadness, pain and fear?
💫 Will you breathe and declare you are worthy and that starting today you will embrace your whole complete most authentic self? And know that even in the darkest - times, thoughts, sides of you - you are still enough?