Be a LIGHT in the darkness.

I feel your energy. You are confused, disappointed, hurt, scared, angry, overwhelmed, disgusted, pissed off. Lean in and feel it. Allow yourself the time you need to feel all the feels. And then release it. 

The world needs your light. We are being presented with an opportunity to rise, to choose love, to hold each other and come together. Whichever side of the fence you're on, it's clear our country is divided. Find the courage to choose kindness, love, light and empathy for one another. 

Things fall apart so that we can come together. Feel it and release it. Choose love. You are being called upon to be part of the solution. Is what you have to say helpful, true and good? Then use your voice, spread the message. 

You are more powerful then you realize. Your words, thoughts and intentions can, will and do make a difference. You are being presented with a choice - allow yourself to be a victim or rise up. 

I am responsible for the energy I put into the world. I choose love. I choose light. I choose courage. I choose kindness. I choose to rise.

Big Hugs my Loves!


P.S. When your energy feels depleted, it’s extra important to ground and protect yourself.

Then you can fill your cup. 

And what runs over - that's the space to give from. 

The full cup is for you. πŸ˜‰