You make the world a better place.

Many of us empaths are feeling more empowered as we embrace our lightworker gifts. However, we still have blocks around what's next.

We have fears and doubts keeping us stuck and playing small. We’ve had flashes of ideas over the years, about creating offerings around our gifts or asking for money, that quickly collapsed energetically as the doubts and fears grew into weeds around our inspired downloads and our guidance from Above.

And yet: The old paradigm of feminine and healer archetypes not doing their work in exchange for money is crumbling.

We are breaking down the old way of thinking: that just because we’re good at it, just because we can do it, just because it’s our natural role, our god given gift, and our divine purpose to help and support others, that we have the responsibility or honor of doing it for free.

A new and different way is possible.

Instead of being drained in your work, uninspired, and out of practice… can be completely lit up, supported, and energized in it.

You have always known you were here for a reason.

You are meant to make the world a better place.

I believe in you. And so does your team Above. I know that with the right support, you will create something beautiful.