Asking for Support

Asking for support.

Not with my hair… although I am celebrating the new growth after some dramatic loss. Isn't that how it works?

I know that’s what we’ll see in my neighborhood after the tornado clean-up.

We’re already seeing it within ourselves and each other.

A dear friend and neighbor, showed me the goosebumps on her arms explaining how she is learning to receive.

Can you relate to the good feeling when help is offered, but turning it down with gratitude? We may be able to do it solo, doesn’t mean we’re supposed to.

Help is good. Growth is coming.

From destruction, dismantling, release… space is created and things will grow.

Nature reminds us of this over and over.

We see this in our own lives when we clean out our closets, leave a relationship, change jobs, etc.

When we hit the pause button on our own lives to deal with the inner and outer curveballs and purging, the world keeps spinning. So how do we navigate that?

I believe we ask for help.

Here I am, leaning into how to be here in my business through this contrast.

I am trying to balance it all with doing my work and honoring this beautiful community I get to hold space for.

We come to a place where the juggling act is too much. We can drop all the balls except the most precious, or we can pass them to someone for help, or we can ask or accept the holding of them together.

I’m reminded from my team, “Show up in the way that honors where you are. But show up.”

One of the best things about it, this Crafting Circle prepares and supports others to do exactly what I’m doing. Create and share offerings, even with all the excuses not to. And without all the hustle and drain.

With that, I ask of you, to help me hold this beautiful business ball, and support me in the launch of the Lightworker Crafting Circle. To share, to invite people to join us, to look into it for yourself, to spread the word and hold my hand through this.

This offering deserves to be shouted from the rooftops and I feel our combined voices can do that with ease.

Thank you for your help! I’m looking forward to the Circle and the growth that will come from this time.