September Bike Rides

Reflecting on our bazillion mile bike ride today. The sights, smells, sounds and all the feels. I pushed myself beyond what I thought I could do. And then there came a moment that I was just done. I had the choice to keep going.

My intuition and body said it’s time to tap out. My bike was saying that too. I couldn’t shift gears without it all falling apart. Hill after hill stuck in a gear. And I listened to all of it and walked my bike to a trail head where Mike met me with the car. I’m really proud of myself for that actually. For listening. For the hours I rode, panting, thighs burning, sweat dripping in my eyes. And for listening when I was done. Nothing to prove to anyone. I’m going to attempt it all again soon... with better provisions... more water for sure (we ran out halfway through)!! After a check up at the bike shop... and a few salt baths, of course