Put a bandaid on it. It's magic!
/Yesterday, my 2 year old daughter hit her head on the corner of my desk.
Hard. It made the loudest noise. She went down.
Instantly a red mark popped up and she fell completely silent. As usual, I wonder if either she's ok or it's really bad.
But it was that deafening quiet. The one that comes as the loudest wail builds up in her body ready to be released, along with all the tears.
I instinctively waved my hand in front of her forehead taking away some excess energy and planted a kiss. She looked up at me through those beautiful tear filled eyes and asked for a bandaid. Bc she knows that will make it “all better.” Did she need a bandaid for her head? Not physically. But emotionally and energetically, she absolutely did.
As soon as I placed the bandaid she was off running around like the wilding she is.
Just that simple act, had the power to completely shift her energy.
And I had the pleasure of looking at this adorable happy, pain free bandaged face, all night long.
When we took it off at bedtime, there was only a tiny healing mark. It really was all better.
Sister, you’re already an energy worker. Every time you kiss a boo boo or place a bandage with love, you’re doing it. When you pray or send love + light to someone hurting, you’re doing it. When you give a hug or share encouraging words, you’re doing it. There are so many examples, everyday, proving that you’ve got it. You have an incredible light within you and a natural instinctual healing gift.
You don’t need to be attuned to any specific modality. It's already inside of you. You have divine healing gifts and I’m so excited to show you how to truly embrace these gifts and more.
The upcoming round of the Lightworker Within Mentorship is going to be life changing. It’s a true introduction to lightwork. This work has the ability to transform and add to every single area of your life. Want to feel better about yourself? Have better relationships? Be able to protect yourself energetically? Have awesome tools to help yourself and your family and beyond? Do you want joy + success? These tools will absolutely 💯 help you in every aspect of your life and business.
Head over to the website and see what everyone else is saying too. Hear from the sisters who have come before you. Check out their transformations.
And if you’re interested, reach out right away. On Friday, the price is increasing 22%. It’s currently the early bird incentive of $347 (only $88/month), but will soon be $444.
This huge savings is a reward for you following the signs, taking action and investing in yourself NOW.
Reply here or reach out on FB. I'd love to know where your head is with all of this. Do the signs point to you taking aligned action and really welcoming all the joy and success you crave? We never regret the times we take action, those times when we go for it. But we do look back at those opportunities missed, all the time saying not now, maybe later. Time wasted playing small, when we know we are meant for so much more.
Embracing your gifts will change your life.
I promise. There is no doubt in my mind that this this is true.
I'll say it again, "Embracing your gifts will change your life."
Big Hugs,