When you decide you don't want something (or want something different)... Just that act of deciding starts shifting things. Making a decision is powerful. It's you putting clear intentions into the universe. I want X. You don't need to know how to get there. It's just declaring what you want. Once you do that, life will respond. Signs will show up to help with your next steps, opportunities will present themselves.

Here's the kicker though (so be ready)... the more you energetically align with what you do want, what you don't want can become unbearable. With jobs and relationships I've especially felt this. Have you?

You decide this job (or relationship) sucks, it's stressing me out, it's not aligned with who I am anymore or where I'm going, it's weighing me down, I'm done, I want a job (or relationship) where I feel ____, I'm ready for it now. But then you stay. Even though you're mentally checked out and clearly have stated what you do and don't want. But the universe is at work for you because you made the decision. You got out of the mixed signal limbo of do I or don't I. You declared what you want. So the job becomes even more of a pain in your ass. Or the guy becomes the most annoying person in the world. Because you are being pushed in the direction of what you really do want, what you asked for!

So how can you save yourself all the extra pain of staying somewhere that's not aligned? Follow the signs! Ask for help from Above. Tap into your wisdom within. Take ACTION! Aligned action! Itty bitty baby steps in the right direction will build your confidence muscle so freaking quickly, you can hardly believe it.

I know this business of following the signs and divine guidance is second nature to me NOW. But it wasn't always the case. We all start somewhere. This stuff is life changing though. This is how you actually get what you want, instead of just dreaming about it.


I'm hosting a free class on Signs from Above next week. I'd love to have you there. The last time I offered this free class, the feedback was mind blowing. I almost forgot how quickly things shift from these simple Divine tools. You have nothing to lose from checking it out, and infinite to gain. Seriously. It's that powerful. All the joy in my life is bc of this work. Tapping into these tools will make you a damn powerhouse. Are you ready to freaking go there?