Don't forget to celebrate!

Did you hold back from sharing 2020 celebrations and accomplishments out loud? Did you hold back bc you’re a beautiful empath and sensitive to others feelings and went through some sort of inner dialogue around how can you celebrate your light when so many are navigating the dark?

Do you find yourself dimming (or not going full shine) in other areas to not make others feel bad about where they are? It’s a very normal empath behavior... that also happens to weigh down our own wings a tad.

Your light does not hurt. Your light uplifts and encourages others to shine their light too.

Who does it serve if you play small? Who does it hurt if you play small?

Shine bright, Lightworker.

Give the rest of us the benefit of the doubt that we can handle it. That you are not too much for us. We love you and want you to succeed and achieve and be happy!!

Maybe it’s scary to share. What will they think? Will it make others feel bad? Do I sound like I’m bragging?? No you sound awesome and I want to hang out with you!!! I want some of what you’re having!

I see you learning to be brave. Here’s yet another opportunity to be courageous and shine your light, Lightworker.

Invitation to take up some space and share what you’re proud of from the past year, goals met or went for, your sheds and releases, what you gained, wins, breakthroughs, confidence cultivated, gifts embraced, areas explored, shadows loved... any and everything you have been holding in.

Encouraging you to comment here and if you are feeling inspired to make your own post showing what those wings have been up to, please follow your guidance and do so.

Your path inspires and deserves to be celebrated!!! Also the more you take note and celebrate your magic, the more quickly it grows. The more awareness you have around your growth, the more it becomes the foundation for all to come.

So please share, dear Empath.

What are you celebrating about your 2020??
