First New Moon of 2021

You are being given the opportunity to infuse your magic, intentions and focus in particular areas of your chart right now.

To find what areas to set intentions for this 4 week moon cycle, find your sun sign below. If you know your rising sign, look at that too!

Sign:House/Area to focus

Aries: 10th House (career, ambitions)

Taurus: 9th (learning, education)

Gemini: 8th (joint $, sex)

Cancer: 7th (relationships)

Leo: 6th (daily routines in all areas)

Virgo: 5th (creativity, children)

Libra: 4th (home and family)

Scorpio: 3rd (communication)

Sagittarius: 2nd ($$$)

Capricorn: 1st (beginnings/fresh starts, image/identity)

Aquarius: 12th (endings, spirituality)

Pisces: 11th (social circles, wishes)

As you feel into the areas being highlighted for you in particular by this new moon in Capricorn, ask yourself what intentions would best serve you in these areas and how can you infuse your magic into them. Then choose to consciously focus on these for this 28 day moon cycle.

What came up for you? How does it feel? Do you find those areas were already being highlighted in your life (were you already feeling into them and either lit us or noticing challenges? How can you embrace these aligned opportunities for growth to support your life and your work?

New Moon Practice

Release the last cycle

Honor what you have learned and accomplished and let go of the rest. You can write it down and burn it if you’d like. You can simply energetically cleanse your space.

Choose and declare your focus for the new cycle

You can use the guidelines I shared above or whatever is lighting you up. Write it into existence. Light a candle and make your wish.

How can you work this new moon unique to you?? With your magic, your focus and conscious intentions.

If you would like to be witnessed and held in your new moon magic, please share what’s coming up for you.

Love you all so much!! Reminder to honor your energy as the new moon is absolutely influencing it.

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