You are who you CHOOSE to be.
/You’re not who you use to be.
You’re not what happened to you. You’re not what you’ve done.
You’re not what’s going on in the world. You’re not your fear and doubt.
You’re no one else’s perception or judgment.
You get to decide who you are.
Want to be a courageous, kind, authentic, taking care of yourself, shining your light, aligned lightworker? Then be one.
Your past doesn’t define you. Your yesterday doesn’t even define you. Your limitations don’t define you.
You define you.
Make a choice today.
Declare who you really are in all your magnificence.
Back it up by your speech, beliefs, actions and reactions.
You’ve come such a long way. Really you have.
You’ve overcome so much.
This is not the first curveball or challenge you’ve faced.
You’ve learned lesson after lesson.
You’ve grown and evolved.
You’re pretty freaking amazing.
💫Embrace your lightwork: Set an intention for how you want to feel and how you want to show up this week. Personally and/or in your biz. Write it down. Tattoo it on your forehead. Put it wherever you need so you will remember to focus on it and breathe into it. Hold it in your mind and heart. Reflect it in your words, thoughts and actions.
Remember, you are who you CHOOSE to be.