Welcoming Collaboration: Part 3

Continuing to welcome collaboration, and again, turning inward for part 3. Let’s tap into our role as a supporter and see what comes up.

"In what ways do I support others?"

Do a big mind dump on this one and come up with all the ways big and small and even smaller. How do you support and help others?

In Part 2 we started to talk about a balance. Where we are meant to be supported too. But there are still a lot of layers around that, aren't there. So let’s approach it from this angle for today. Let’s really feel into our role in this “we’re all in this together” community chant.

Take note of any patterns you are starting to uncover in your role as a supporter. How does it feel for you to support others? Do you wait to be asked, or jump in and offer? Are there times you offer and it’s denied? Or are there times you’re asked, and say yes, but for various reasons it doesn’t happen? Are those reasons on you, or them, or both? Are there connections between what’s coming up here and your awareness from parts 1 and 2 of our welcoming collaboration journey?

To give and receive in balance sounds awesome in theory doesn't it? However, is it just a fairy tale of a concept that you don't think is actually possible in your own life? What if you let go of the idea that the balance isn't present in every action, it's not tit for tat. But instead looking at the big picture, where sometimes we are in more of a place to offer support and in other times we require more of it. Is there a possibility that within the big picture, as long as you are not carrying the torch of I only support or vice versa, that maybe a balance really can exist? The support offered doesn't only have to come from the person that receives yours. However that's nice and does create a beautiful energetic exchange. But in reality, often the ones supporting us and those needing our support are different.

Yet, I’m wondering if many of us in the more helper type roles, are the ones skewing the balance. Isn't that interesting?! We turn down help or don't put ourselves in a position to receive any. What’s coming up for you around this?

Please share your part 3 reflections in the comments.
