Welcoming Collaboration: Part 2
/Your awareness and openness are the key to making a super aligned shift.
Part 2: Reflection and Declaration
There’s a sweet spot in our awareness journey where having both a zoomed in and zoomed out view serves us well. We can dig deep for core level reasons of why we have certain tendencies. And we can also move further away from it and see how it impacts the big picture. Zoomed in supports our understanding, which makes shifts more natural. Zoomed out helps us from getting lost in doubts and insecurities and find how this piece fits in the puzzle.
Zooming in: Reflect on what came up for you in part 1. Are you just scratching the surface? Is there more underneath? If you haven’t gotten to core level shit yet, and you will know when you get there, keep going. there’s more. Questions that will support you in deeper exploration: Why? What else? Where does this stem from? As you uncover more layers: What’s not serving you at the core of my resistance? (look for deep layers around worthiness, independence, co-dependence, control, martyrdom, and empath tendencies: to believe we know what it’s like in someone else’s head/life and how our asking for or accepting help impacts them)
Zooming out: Look at the idea of help/collaboration from a big picture view. In your life and for the world too. Let’s just for today, act under the assumption that we’re not supposed to do it alone. That “we’re in it together,” includes us too. That part of our job here is to support one another, which means we’re also meant to be supported by others. Why do you feel so many of us are challenged by this? Do you find yourself letting others know they're not alone, but not taking this truth into practice in your own life/work? On a personal level, are there places you're aware of a lack of support, and overall would support benefit you?
Declarations: Are you open to a shift in this area? If so, declare it! It is a conscious choice to be made. If you’re in, create a little affirmation or mantra for yourself and try it on. Examples: I receive. I ask for and accept help. I give and receive in balance. I am open to support. I am open to collaboration. I am worthy of support from Above and from beside. I am not alone.
Reframe: You may find it supportive to start reframing the idea of “help” to “collaboration”. I find this reframe helps me detach from patterned actions and limiting beliefs I’ve acquired along the way.
Share in the comments with what you’re uncovering on this journey.