Welcoming Collaboration: Part 1

Is it more challenging to ask for help or accept it? AND WHY?

On the first part of our journey to welcoming collaboration in 2022, we drop into our awareness.

Let’s see what’s at the core.

Just by asking ourselves simple questions, true core level awareness comes through.

So we start by simply asking ourselves the question: Is it more challenging to ask for help or accept it?


Encouraging you to stay open, curious, and play along. Share what comes up in the comments.

Really sit with the WHY. Ask your highest self and your team. Then be open to what comes up.

You can journal about it on paper or a note on your phone. More may come up throughout this challenge. Come back and add as it does.

Or you can simply sit with the question for a few minutes, hands on heart or palms up, open to your inner knowing.

To help you dig deeper:

How was asking for or accepting help modeled by those that raised you? What did you learn or take on? What comes up for you today around asking for and accepting help? Where in your body do you feel tightness or constriction? What emotions or thoughts are popping up? What generational, cultural, gender based or societal influences come up? Why is it challenging to ask for or and/or accept help? Are your resistance or blocks real or perceived? Are they serving you or not?

Also… Is it more or less challenging to ask and receive help around business, finances, relationships, self care, home care, personal development, physical health and wellness, mental heath, spiritual guidance?

Please share whatever you’re open to being witnessed in.