Change, Transition, and Transformation
/I had a vision today that was specifically of a particular sister. However, I feel like the message is for the collective.
She was sitting in a snowglobe. But instead of snow, lots and lots of tiny 5s. Arms crossed. Not thrilled. Looking a little stubborn, constricted, uncomfortable. So I broke the glass to let her out. As the 5s poured out they become like sand. (Still just infinite 5s though) And she was suddenly lounging on a sunny beach of 5s, so relaxed and content. Happy actually.
5... change, transition, transformation.
Now vs summer 2021
Needing help and support to move to the next step of alignment.
I got out of bed still processing the messages within the vision for her and saw it was 7:47 and knew that was part of it too with recognition of doing the work and also what’s next... a spiritual path or even career.
All felt really special and important.