We all have gifts...
/A lot of us have gifts. (Ok we all do.)
Many of us here in this space are aware of (at least some of) ours and are cultivating them.
I’ve been exploring and deepening my experience and understanding of an emerging gift. Throughout 2020 a gift of having clear visions of a future possibility or someone’s progression has been shown to me.
Although I have a past mindset of not needing to understand my gifts, I am lit up my the growth and cultivation of them. The more we connect with them, understand how they work, learn how to beat honor and respect them, the further we can develop the gifts.
Yesterday space was held for me, much like how I hold it for others, and all the answers to even more questions than I knew I had about them came into my awareness.
To understand a gift, the source, the messages, the boundaries, the contract IS AMAZING.
I am still shaking a bit, in reverence and gratitude.
Yet another gift understood and growing. The toolbox is massive and I love that I get to continue adding to the limitlessness of spirit connection.
Looking forward to holding a space for this deepening and exploration in my upcoming offering. It is for those that have already worked with me in a program and have the foundational tools for grounding, protection and boundaries.
Calling in a small intimate group to deepen with.
I’ve posted about the Lightworker Circle (+ optional offering crafting extension) in many of our old FB groups. If you haven’t seen it yet and are curious, let me know.
If you know this is for you, reach out and let me know you’ll be taking your seat.