Empath Growth
/Empath growth.
You grow up feeling you don’t really belong and fit anywhere.
But you have the ability to shape shift and chameleon to fit in with any group.
Luckily we grow up and find our people and start giving ourselves permission to be who we really are.
There’s a growth period where we don’t fit in anywhere again except with those people or in that setting.
Then we keep shining out authentic light and realize we can fit in anywhere again.
Not bc we’re a chameleon and working to adjust our personality, look, and behaviors to fit in.
But bc we’re recognizing our divinity, and when we shine our beautiful light we find people like us everywhere.
And when we’re true to ourselves we don’t feel out of place.
And when we talk about the things we use to think of as too weird or revealing, we give others permission to do the same.
On the big scale we’re shifting the consciousness to okayness with who we are and how we look and how we love and how we pray and all the things that make us each unique.
We find ourselves and we find how connected we really are.