Are you also in hermit mode?
/We’re less than a week away from the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. We’re supposed to be in hermit mode. It’s not only allowed, I'm encouraging it. I'm so done with any self disappointment, from being true to where I am. I accept and honor my reclusive energy. Who's with me?
That said... you and I do know if we don’t listen to the whispers from our intuition, our bodies and the universe when they whisper, we'll be forced to listen. That whisper will become a scream that knocks us on our asses. That’s a recurring theme for all of us. We get so many opportunities to figure this one out. I share that laughing, as I always do. I honestly find it hilarious and also beautiful.
It’s so important to manage our energy and slow down when we’re guided to do so. If not, you may end up like me with an eye patch on the left eye and a bag of frozen peas on the right trap. LOL. A true story of me pushing through recently. I am definitely ok and going to be ok, especially now that I'm listening and following this slow the f down message!
I know you get it. It’s easy this time of year to just pile on more. More pressure. More expectations. More to accomplish and do. We tell ourselves we can push through. We bargain. We loosen our boundaries. We declare that we'll listen and slow down after we complete the pressing thing. But even after that, something else wants our energy and attention. And we get in this pattern of putting off the self care. Of pushing through and telling our inner wisdom... shhhh, not now.
Truth time: The best person to swoop in with a superhero cape on and say cut that shit out, is you. We can wait until we’re at a breaking point, or we get knocked down. We can also sometimes even take the short cuts and listen to those initial guiding whispers... I love when we do that. One way or another, we’ll get there.
I'm listening now. Working from the couch today. Feet up. Christmas tree smells soothing me. Taking care of my energy. Antibiotic eye drops and frozen peas doing their job. About to cancel today’s Pilates class. And considering how else to do less right now and really honor where I am. Inviting you to feel into that with me.
Here are some self reflection Qs for us:
What can I take off my plate?
What’s not serving me?
What would most support my energy, body and mind today?
What messages does my body have for me?
What messages do my spiritual team and highest self have for me?
Let’s honor what comes up.
From one hermit to another, we're sensitive under these societal shells and need to take care of ourselves.
We've got this.
Please share what's coming up for you around this.