Embrace your lightworker gifts.

As empaths, we have a long-held desire to support others and make the world a better place. Many of us are feeling more empowered as we embrace our lightworker gifts. However, we still have blocks around what's next. We have fears and doubts keeping us stuck and playing small. We’ve had flashes of ideas over the years, about creating offerings around our gifts or asking for money, that quickly collapsed energetically as the doubts and fears grew into weeds around our inspired downloads and our guidance from Above. The fears and doubts whispered, “Who am I to do this work? How could that possibly be sustainable?” And the money blocks, imposter syndrome, and comparison crept in... so we just let the ideas go.

Does this sound familiar?

Are you ready to let the fears, doubts and blocks go and rise up?

Are you craving guidance and support on how to do this?