/We’re collectively moving through many transitions right now. From quarantine to peopley spaces. From patterns of making plans in advance, to feeling into and shifting things in the moment. From hugging everyone to 6 ft apart to navigating comfortable greetings. From Phish tix and travel plans in hand to the decision to couch tour (this one hits home, as I’m adjusting to this latest decision). From program launch to holding space. Then there’s ones we call all relate to like moving from this summer lovin’ to school schedules. And all the changes and expansions in careers we’re seeing and experiencing. We are also witnessing transitions happening from the physical to the spiritual plane with the passing of beloved pets, friends and family members. Collectively there is A LOT going on within and around us. And the theme is transitions.
Things are changing all around you. We don’t know what’s on the other side, but we know we are moving through things, that we are changing along with them, and we are being presented with an opportunity to grow.
Remember, you’re not supposed to do it alone. Call in your support teams (Above and beside). Who do you want to collaborate with? Who’s hand do you want to hold? Be intentional in your transitions. Ask yourself how you want to show-up and feel as you move through them, instead of hyper-focused on the outcome or getting lost in the details. What are your current priorities, boundaries and themes you want to hold onto? How can your honor where you are and be in your most aligned and empowered choice and pace?
Honor the current transitions within and around you. Do this by being gentle with yourself and others, respecting your boundaries, shifting as your awareness does, calling in support, and holding your intentions close.
Holding you in love. Sprinkling magic on your path. Setting the intention that you will feel peace and ease within around you as you and yours move through your current transitions.