Happy Mother's Day
/Mother’s Day.
Blown away by all the love. Overflowing with gratitude for the sweetness of my beautiful family and friends. My home is filled with gorgeous flowers, candles and all these unexpected cards and gifts. I truly wasn’t anticipating this.
To be honest, I had braced myself for exhaustion this weekend... and set the bar super low so I wouldn’t be disappointed. And that’s ok.
It was unexpectedly nourishing. It was really surprising. It was everything I needed.
Loved the long weekend and perfect weather working in the yard, playing with house plants, making art, time with family and girlfriends and neighbors, reminders I’ll be with my MO fam in a couple weeks, all these signs of abundance and connection.
And then there was also the contrast. Big emotions from my little. Wishing I was with my mama and her warm embrace, and aching for my grandmas and more time with them as I struggle with knowing the time in these physical bodies is fleeting.
Mamahood is a wild ride that started in a past life, has felt longing and loss and unbearable grief in this one, developed from the eternal love of souldog, spread to embracing myself and my littles as Aunt Sara, evolved into mothering myself, led to wing fluffing, and Bear and carrying and laboring the little goddess and now looking for the balance of holding space, caring for and growing alongside my dream come true daughter.
I lean on others, have my meltdowns, process my shit, grow in my awareness, ask for and receive support, create time for me, play, dance, create, get dirty, make messes and sometimes even clean them up, look for the gratitude, reframe and shift, continually connect with my spirit team, use my tools, connect with myself, am ok with making mistakes... and I make a lot of them. Falling and getting back up. Calling in and letting go. Growing and expanding and learning to be whole.
**After claiming the weekend to be celebrating herself, the first words out of CGs mouth today, “Good morning mom. Happy yesterday Mother’s Day.”
I’ll take it.
Sending love to all.