Go at your own pace.

You are being encouraged to unpack the pressure of rushing or trying to keep up with others, by being present with your journey and going at a pace that honors your cycles.

Whether or not you are tracking your-or the moon’s cycles, self awareness of your current energetic patterns can guide you. There will be times each month when you’re feeling lit up, energized and creative… use it. When your spark is ignited, blast off! Take the aligned actions. There will also be a time in your cycle when you are guided to slow down…or even a curveball brings you to a full stop. Listen to that too. These times for rest and introspection are just as important and valuable. Then there are the times between, when your best pacing may be less obvious. That’s when it’s important to stop, go inward and really feel into those alignment checks.

Honor the balance of life and work. Of self care and family- and your service to others. This is how you can let go of the guilt about spending time on one over the other. If you are speeding to the non-existent finish line, think of all you’ll be missing! Choose where and how to allocate your time, effort and energy. Come back to the balance again and again.

And, as always, know that you’re not alone. Your beautiful team Above is always working both behind and on the scene to support you. Thank them for honoring your pace too.

There’s no rush.

It’s not a race.

It’s not a competition.

Take care of you.

Take care of yours.

Take care of business.

Find the balance.

Honor your cycles.

Call in your team.

Go at your pace.

Be where you are, do what YOU want and get there when you’re ready. Do what feels right. Not what or how “they” are doing it or what society tells you that you “should” be doing. Find YOUR way.

Go as fast or as slow as is in alignment. Adjust your pace as your awareness and energy guides. Honor your work-life balance by being present with each.

And remember, the magic and lessons are what happens along the way, they’re not all waiting for you at the destination.

One of the keys to sustainable success is going at your own pace.

You’ve got this


What pace are you currently at? How does it feel? Any adjusts needed?