Stretch and Expand
/I use to tell everyone the jump off the cliff. Over and over… take the leap. But that’s not where I am anymore. That’s not where we are, collectively, anymore.
Still stretch and expand. Do the scary things. But do it in a pace that honors where you are.
Think of a physical stretch. And the pain or injury that can come from rushing through it, over extending beyond your current means. Then think of the flexibility and expansion that comes when you honor your body and move through it with ease. AND when you’re open to support from your team Above and your team beside(like me!!), helping you with that stretch… Would you prefer us to pull your arm out of the socket to get you where you’re going or honor where you are guiding and gently pulling you so you can go even deeper? This is what’s being asked of us now.
Stretch… do the scary things… at your own pace and with support. You are more ready than you realize. And when you honor your own cycles and pacing and your work-life balance… and your support systems do the same... you will feel that expansion in every direction and it will be reflected in both your inner and outer worlds.
You’re ready!
And I have the most supportive offering to help you with this expansion!! The Lightworker Crafting Circle is for empaths and lightworkers ready to create an offering to put their gifts out into the world in exchange for money! Yes, it’s a scary thing. But we’re going to baby step through it together and with ease.
I’ll say it again, “YOU ARE READY.”
If you want the deets, let me know in the comments.