Full Moon Solstice - Say what?!

The solstice. When the sun stands still. The longest night of the year. 

You may have felt this coming on energetically. The night slowly taking over. Willing us to retreat into our homes, ourselves, the caverns of our mind.

You may have noticed you’re feeling extra sensitive, your relationships have been extra challenging, and you crave alone time. It’s all so normal. And the good news is the light will slowly start entering our lives once again as the nights get shorter and the days get longer. 

For me a long night isn’t about doing, but about just being and feeling. Going within, nesting and resting, having an inner dialogue about letting go of what’s not serving us, and being intentional about what we’d like to take with us into the light. A time for reflection, gentleness and self-compassion... and something warm and comforting like a bath or cup of tea and cozy blanket. Maybe a perfect time for a meditation or even just a chat with the full moon. The ideal setting to slow down, breathe and just be. 

On this last full moon and longest night of 2018, be mindful of your thoughts. For you my dear are a powerful being and those thoughts are magnetic - pulling the like toward you. Choose alignment tonight. Choose ease. Choose you. 

Whether you are celebrating today or tomorrow, I send you love and warm hugs. I’m celebrating where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going. A new year is right around the corner, this is the time to set yourself up for success. Doing wait until 1/1 to be aligned with what you want. Do it now. The magic of this moon and solstice are with you. 

Big hugs!