Are you looking for validation?
/Are you looking for validation from outside? Should I do this or that? What are my blocks? What's my purpose? My passion? Tell me who I am. Tell me what I want. Grant me permission.
Clarity is within you, not outside of you. Look within. You have a divine intuition, a deep authentic wisdom available to you at all times.
What you seek, you already know. What you're not aware of, is being communicated to you in one way or another. Your triggers... your wounds... what pisses you off... what scares you... your pain... what lights you up... what turns you on... what brings tears to your eyes... there are messages in all of it. There is an abundance of guidance urging you to move into a deeper alignment and awareness.
You can always look for confirmation from Above. Your team will help guide you to that place of knowing. Help you connect with what's in your heart, help you interpret the messages from your body.
Personally I do like asking others sometimes too. But... it's not bc I want someone to give me the answers. It's bc often by hearing others opinions and seeing more of my options available, it helps me get clear on my intuition. Like right away, listening to them, I light up yes yes yes that's it or nope, it's something else. Just having that convo can help me get there. But it's still me, my inner goddess, making the call.
I really like turning to the space holders and wing fluffers that instead of sharing what they think is best for me, hold space for me to figure it out. Maybe they channel messages from Above, like I do. Maybe they don't. I just really love having a circle around me that sees my highest self. That wants for me what I want for me. That sees my gifts and the real me filled with the brightest light. The ones that fan the flames helping me shine even brighter, supporting and encouraging my chosen path. Fluffing my wings, when I'm in flight. Holding my hand, when I'm not.
There really is something special and freeing about releasing what others think is best for you, and embracing what's within. It makes room for those moments when you receive the download. Sometimes it a huge lightening strikes undeniable and overwhelming feeling and knowing. Sometimes it's more gentle and subtle and we really have to surrender and trust. But either way when you stop looking outside and instead look inside, you will open yourself up to true clarity. And clarity is freaking beautiful.
Does this resonate with you? I'd love to know. Please comment here.
And if you'd like more info on the upcoming Rising Star Mastermind, let me know that too. There are literally only a couple spots available still. We're getting clear and getting ready to take some MAJOR aligned action this fall (9/9 start date). Excited for it - is an understatement.
Big hugs, my empath loves.