Are you stuck in a cage?
/Have you ever hoped you would get sick just so you could get out of work? Do Sunday nights fill you with dread of the week to come? Do you ever feel like you’re living a double life? Are you are a different person around your friends than at work? Or a different person around family than strangers? Do you avoid really looking at yourself in the mirror? If you answered yes to any of these, I know your pain. There's nothing more frustrating than being uncomfortable and unfulfilled with where you are in life. It is energetically depleting trying to wear so many different hats; and not knowing which one is truly yours or how to be comfortable in your own skin.
Even after years of personal development work, I felt authentic around some people and not others. There were times I was comfortable and others I was in the box of who I was and not who I am. Some places I felt comfortable letting my inner light shine and others I just wanted to blend in. With my jobs I was always happy to get out of work. The money was never enough of a motivator to get my butt there, because I wasn’t happy or fulfilled in my work. I manifested reasons to be late or call off whenever I could. I was in a place of lack and scarcity. I overate and gave into substances to dull my pain. I knew I wasn’t in love with myself or my life, but didn’t know how to escape from the self imposed cage that trapped me.
“There’s nothing more frustrating than being uncomfortable and unfulfilled with where you are in life.”
Today, I feel 100% authentically me no matter where I am or who I'm with. I am the same person with clients, family, friends, strangers. I have discovered who I truly I am, my purpose and my passion... and I'm living, breathing, talking, walking it. I am free of other people's judgements, negative self talk and the self doubt that kept me playing little for so long. I'm so in love with my work that I'm happy to get up early, work weekends and make time for it when I’m out-of-town. I'm doing what I love in this world personally and professionally. I listen to my body and I proudly nourish it. I feel healthier now than I have my entire life - both physically and mentally. I've welcomed abundance on every level: not just financially, but also an abundance of joy, positive experiences, wonderful relationships with others and myself. I AM FREE!!!
So how did I do it?? It wasn’t just a snap of my fingers and a mindset change. I did the work and I continue to do it. Whenever I stop working on being a happy, positive, compassionate person - shit hits the fan. That’s when things fall apart. Anytime I thought I had it all figured out and forget to focus on being positive, grateful and keeping with my daily practices, something crazy happens to remind me. Knowing this, I put time, effort and energy into myself and my personal growth. I’m not perfect and I don’t have it all figured out. I fall and I get back up. I retreat to the cage and nest when I need to. I've learned a ton of tools and use them to help keep me flying and shining. My work and calling is to hold space while others learn their lessons. I am here to teach the tools that have helped me, the ones that have so positively affected my life.
Are you ready to soar?
Not sure what your dream life is? My new mentorship program, Abundance Now will help you dig deep to excavate your truths. Myself, along with incredible guest mentors, are ready to support you as you fly. The program will give you clarity and the steps you can take to achieve what you desire. Maybe you already have clear idea of where you’re going. This mentorship will help you gain or maintain momentum as you work toward your goals both personally and professionally.
Week by week we'll dig deep, let it in and let it go. We will increase our abundance in every area of our lives, while getting out of the cage to shine like we were born to do. You're not just learning to fly; you will have continuous support and wing fluffing as you do. Are ready to support and be supported? Are you ready to do all those things you always thought you should or could be doing? Get ready to make the rest of your life the best of your life, with inspired action and a supportive community in flight.
““Week by week we’ll dig deep, let it in and let it go, while getting out of the cage to shine like we were born to do.””
If any of the above resonates with you, let’s talk. I am offering a free mini session to everyone who fills out the Abundance Now application. Filling out the form is basically a conversation starter, you are under no obligation to join. Let’s talk about where you are and where you’re going. I’d love to connect and see if this group coaching program is right for you.
We never regret what we do to make our life better, only what we don't do.
Intentional Breathing Exercise
Find yourself a comfortable position. Set a timer for 3 to 10 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale, deeply and fully. Silently repeat….
Inhale "Let it in"
Exhale "Let it go"