OMG - It's Time to Take Care of ME!!
/Do you catch yourself putting everything and everyone else before yourself? There was a time when I thought that was a good thing and self care was selfish. I had something I like to call The Cinderella Syndrome: When you do do do for others and take care of yourself last. I would always find the time, effort and energy for others and put myself on the back burner. I would say yes to everyone else and no to myself. I was constantly burnt out and exhausted, even with a smile on my face. I hardly recognize that girl now. I say yes to myself easily and say no to others demands on my time when it's not in alignment with what I want.
I love the airplane analogy to help keep myself on point. They tell you to put your own oxygen mask on even before you put the mask on your child. If you can't breathe, you're can't help anyone else. Self care is like oxygen. Taking care of yourself first allows you to help others. Without self care you are operating on an empty tank. You can't fill someone else's tank, when you're out of gas.
Also, remember this -- your external circumstances are often a reflection of what's going on internally. So when you're internal environment is chaotic or focused on lack, your life and business will reflect this. If you are feeling peaceful and abundant inside, your life and business will reflect that as well.
Yes, I know - it's easier said than done. However waiting to take care of yourself doesn't make it any easier. Self care is not selfish, it's self fuel. How can you show yourself some much needed TLC today?
Self Care Tool Box:
- Meditate
- Pray
- Journal
- Exercise
- Stretch
- Yoga
- Listen to Music
- Dance
- Cook and Eat a Healthy Meal or Snack
- Go for a Walk
- Focus on your Breath
- Practice Mindfulness
- Pamper Yourself (Manicure, Pedicure, Massage, Energy Work, Accupuncture, Self Abhyanga)
- Nap
- Salt Bath (or any other kind of Magical Bath)
- Spend Time in Nature
- Color. (Coloring books are the BEST!!!)
- Create Something. (Paint, draw, doodle, woodwork, sculpt, vision-board, scrapbook.)
- Pull Oracle Cards
- Talk to God, Angels or Guides
- Take yourself on a Date
- Play with Crystals, Rocks and Gemstones
- Watch a Movie.
- Cuddle with your Pet. (Or someone else's pet!)
- Hug Yourself (It's amazing! Who better to give you everything you need in a hug!)
- Physical Release (like bat to the ground or fists to the bed)
- Mirrorwork (Say nice things to yourself while looking in a mirror.)
- Write a Love Letter to Yourself.
- Use Essential Oils.
- Drink Tea (Or Juice or Smoothie or Coffee)
- Read a Book.
If you have any that aren't on the list, please add them in the comment section. Let's create the largest self care tool box in the universe!!!!
Self care is not selfish, it's self fuel. <Tweet it>
Intentional Breathing Exercise
I love breathing with intention. It's a beautiful way to give yourself some TLC. If you'd love to join me, find yourself a comfortable position. Set a timer for 3 to 10 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale, deeply and fully. Silently repeat….
Inhale "Peace"
Exhale "and Ease"
P.S. Are you ready to really put time, effort and energy into yourself and your dreams? Are you ready to welcome ABUNDANCE in every area of your life NOW?? I'd love to talk to you about being uncaged and flying free!!! There's a group mentorship program starting soon that is sure to get you out of that cage and flying into your abundance! Abundance is more than just financial prosperity, it is also a surplus of positive experiences, joy, awesome relationships with others and YOURSELF! Can you imagine what it would feel like to be part of a wing fluffing community with likeminded people who are also ready to get out of their cages?? It's going to be AWESOME!!!!!! Click here to fill out a brief form and then we'll set up a call to see if we're a good fit.
You will never regret taking action toward achieving your dreams, but you may regret inaction. #abundancenow <-- Tweet this!