How can I Love YOU more??

Let's talk about LOVE, baby!
Let's talk about you and me. 


Think of your partner, family, friends and pets. As you think of each one, allow yourself to feel the love welling up deep inside. And as you visualize each, ask "How can I love you more?" Asking this question opens your heart to receiving the answer. Your capacity to love grows. Your heart expands. Can you feel it??? 

The recipient of your love receives your beautiful energy. Imagine them being filled with a golden white light and a smile forming on there face. 

Encourage yourself to invest more deeply in the relationships that matter most. As we put time, energy, effort and love into those we care for, we begin to connect with them on a deeper and more intimate level. When taking time to contemplate and send love this week, don't forget your relationship with YOURSELF. Look in the mirror and ask, "How can I love you more?"  Now that we're getting warm and fuzzy just thinking about our potential to love even MORE, go ahead... do it, feel it, ask it, share it, LOVE it. 

Now I ask you - "How can I love you more?"  

From time to time, I ask those I love, "How can I love you more?"   <--- Tweet this!
Post inspired by Louise Hay and her magical 'I Can Do It' cards.


Intentional Breathing Exercise

Find yourself a comfortable position. Set a timer for 3 to 10 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale, deeply and fully. Silently repeat….

Inhale "Be Love"

Exhale "Give Love"

P.S. Are you ready to welcome ABUNDANCE in every area of your life NOW?? I'd love to talk to you about being uncaged and flying free!!! There's a group mentorship program starting in October that is sure to get you out of that cage and flying into your abundance! Can you imagine what it would feel like to be part of a wing fluffing community with likeminded people who are also ready to get out of their cages?? It's going to be AWESOME!!!!!! Click here to fill out a brief form and let's talk!