I always have a choice.
/Hello Love!
I look for the love and gratitude in every situation. I know seemingly steps backwards are opportunities to grow. I find the redirection in rejection. I see dis-ease as an invitation to focus on self care. I celebrate my sensitivities and full range of emotions. I believe I have control over my actions, reactions, my outlook and my attitude. Everything is happening for me, not to me.
All of that being said, I also fall off the wagon and stray from my path. In the past, I've strayed far and fell hard. It took me a long time to process and get back up. Now, I know what works for me. I know that it's only temporary. I use my tools to bounce back.
At times I allow myself a pity party. I get out all my complaints: my why me, my why now and my I don't have time for this. I release these feelings from my body, because I certainly don't want them to stay. So I express my emotions. Rant and rave. Cry and scream. Moan and groan. Curl into a ball. Slap a pillow around. Write it down and burn it up. Let it up and out. I empty myself. I surrender and pray.
Then I return to my breath. Center and ground. I talk to God. I may take a bath or a nap. I listen to healing music. I see protective light swirling around me. I feel Divine light entering my crown chakra and filling me up. I am rebirthed. I choose love. I choose forgiveness. I choose gratitude. I always have a choice. We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we act and react.
Can you relate? I'd love to hear how this resonates with you. What tools do you use to both empty and fill yourself? Please comment below.
"I always have a choice. Today I choose _______."
I challenge you to create your own affirmation!! I'd love to see what you choose today! Please share on social media using the hashtag #ialwayshaveachoice and tag me! instagram @sara_souls; twitter @sara_soulman and facebook @sarasoulman
Intentional Breathing Meditation
Find a comfortable seated or lying down position. Set a timer for 3 to 10 minutes. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breath. Take equal length inhales and exhales. Breathe deeply and fully. Allow your body to relax with each breath, including your jaw and your facial features. Feel the rise and fall of your stomach as you silently repeat….
On the inhale "Inner Peace"
On the exhale "Outer Ease"