My every birthday wish for years was for a healthy happy baby. The little goddess has exceeded my every expectation - for how much love I would feel, fun we could have, and how much work it would be. Now I get to turn all my wishing magic into what I want next for my life. ❤️

This past year, as the lg exercised her full toddler potential, I’ve realized how capable, strong and patient I am... And also how out of shape I am, holy crap. 

I’m back to creating time for all the me things I thought after year one were out of the picture - like showering. Seriously! But also all the little things that add up and make me feel whole. Alone time for reflection and stillness, long chats with my spiritual team, moving my body, time with friends and with Mike, traveling, live music, writing, growing my biz. 

As I move into this next year and my daughter continues to become more independent, so will I. Here I am with this beautiful opportunity to blossom within this space where someone holds me in complete 💯 affection and sees me as every star in the entire sky. I want to harness that feeling of being a superhero and do something really amazing with it. I want to find things that light me up and keep me in this place of exceeding my own expectations and busting through that limiting comfort zone. 

I’ve been asking myself what do I truly desire to focus on this year. And body love keeps coming up, and honestly, scaring the shit out of me. So I knew it needs to be part of it. 

What came to me yesterday, while listening to a guest coach (Cristin Zegers) in the Wisdom Within Mastermind (my group coaching program) talk about Feng Shui, was home. She spoke about the concept of home being our living environment, the nature around us and our body. The skies parted and the angels started singing. Chills shot up my spine and my goosebumps got goosebumps. 


I’ve been putting home on the back burner and giving it the dreaded stamp of “later." Well, no more of that excuse. Ready or not, it’s time to dig in and create my sanctuary: within and out. My theme for 38 is HOME and it’s something I am completely inspired, excited and nervous to embody.

I'm curious -- do you have a theme for your year? What is it? If not, feel free to choose one! It's a powerful practice that I'm confident you will LOVE!  

What happens when you choose a theme for your year and really choose to focus on it - it manifests in both expected and unexpected ways. It's almost a watch what you wish/ask for, because the universe will bring on the lessons tenfold.

Ask yourself: What do I want moving forward? What do I choose to allow and embody into my life? What lessons do I want the universe to rain down on me, ready or not???

Tips to hold your theme firmly in your mind: Remember that energy flows where your attention goes. So  focus on it! The more often you see it, feel it and think about it - the bigger shifts you will experience. I use a dry erase marker to write it on my bathroom mirror. I also pair the theme with my age. Then I make a verbal contract with my spiritual team Above, that I will focus on it whenever I see the number. 

Please, let me know what you come up with in the comments here! I'd love to support you!