Black Lives Matter
/Do you feel that in the air? The feeling as if something is on the verge of crumbling if we can just push harder, be louder, get more involved?
We’re witnessing light being shined on a cruel unjust oppressive darkness.
Look. Listen. Learn. Discern what is truth. Take a stand. Gather up the courage to use your voice.
This is not a time to cower and hide. It’s time to gather your fierceness, your lioness, your mama bear strength that lifts cars off babies, and stand with our black brothers and sisters.
Rise in support of BLACK LIVES. Do you get that?? Their LIVES.
The system is not broken. Therefore it can not be fixed. It is working exactly as intended. That is why it has to COME DOWN.
If the displays of police brutality are not enough to get you off your ass and put a fire in your heart to shine that light I know is inside you, then get out of the way. And delete me. Bc I'm just getting started.
I’m getting educated quickly. White washed media is not the place to put all your trust. I am reading. I am listening. I am now following black leaders, activists, organizations and letting them be my teachers. I’m watching the coverage taken by those on the front lines of this movement. That's what we need to see. It's FRIGHTENING. But must be seen to understand the magnitude of this. I suggest you do the same.
I’m so very sorry it took me so long to get started. I ask for forgiveness and a chance to be a better ally now.
Black lives matter.
Demand justice and change.
This is where I am. And I’m going to shine my light to take care of those feeling it and gathering courage to take a stand. I'm going to take care of myself and my family and hold space for my beautiful clients. Bc I'm a mama bear, I'm a womxn, I'm a damn lioness and I can do it all.
Lightworkers, rise up!
I'll say it again,
Show up in the way that honors where you are, but show the fuck up.
There are MANY ways to be an ally. Make calls. Write letters. Write emails. Write posts. Share. Speak. Donate. Protest.
Big love and big hugs. Take care of yourself. Take care of others. It’s time for aligned action.
Let's go.