Still no arrests have been made for the officers that murdered Breonna Taylor in her home on March 13. 

Call to Action this week, in honor of her life and her 27th birthday she should be celebrating this Friday, looks like signing the petition at and everyday (office hours) using the call bot @ or use the numbers in the comments and put pressure on those with the power to bring charges against the officers involved. 

These phone calls make a difference. Use your beautiful voice. 

Need a script? 
This is what I say, “Hi this is _____ my number is ______ I am calling to demand justice for Breonna Taylor. All officers need to be arrested and charged with her murder. Thank you for doing the right thing.” 

To call directly, again, use numbers in the comments. Also sharing in the comments a script suggested on her petition page. 


Photo and the words below reposted from @battymamzelle who is also organizing a birthday card drive for Breonna to put pressure on officials to make charges and arrests.